Input period from
26 JulyНовая мобильная версия системы «EuroLink» / New Mobile version of the EuroLink system
12 October 2023Рossible to use non-Russian phone numbers at Faster Payments System in EuroLink.
29 May 2023New Mobile version of the EuroLink system
Dear customers, On June 23, 2023, the SSL certificate for the security of access to the site of the EuroLink system will be updated. In...
15 March 2023new version of mobile application
ENG Dear customers, the new version of mobile application for Android is available for download through the link specified ...
14 December 2022new version of mobile application
ENG Dear customers, the new version of mobile application for Android is available for download through the link specified ...
7 December 2022About Mir Pay Service
ENG Dear holders of cards Mir issued by the Bank! Please be informed that, since “07” December 2022, the Bank is a participant of the M...
7 October 2022New version of mobile application/nueva version de la aplicacion movil
ENG Dear customers, the new version of mobile application for Android is available for download through the link specified ...
20 June 2022New Mobile version of the EuroLink system
ENG Dear customers, Until July 21, 2022, the SSL certificate for the security of access to the site of the EuroLink system will be upda...
20 May 2021New Mobile version of the EuroLink system
ESP Estimados clientes: El 08 de junio de 2021 se realizara el SSL- del certificado de seguridad de acceso a la pagina web de “EuroLink...
31 March 2021In EuroLink from 31/03/2021 functional Deposits available.
ENG Dear customers, users of the remote banking system Eurolink! This is to notify you that since 31 March 2021 the Deposits function a...
26 November 2020Loyalty program of the Payment system MIR
Dear customers, MIR cardholders! We kindly inform you that since 1 december 2020 the Bank participates in the Loyalty program of the Pa...
1 June 2020Expansion of card functionality.
ENG Dear clients - users of EuroLink remote banking service system (hereinafter – “System”)! We would like to inform you that from 01.0...
14 May 2020Section "Cards"/ Opcion “Tarjetas”
Dear clients - users of EuroLink remote banking service system (hereinafter – “System”)! We would like to inform you that from 18.05.20...
17 March 2020Mobile version of the EuroLink system
We are glad to inform you that from 23 March 2020 the mobile application Evrolink (a mobile version of the EuroLink system) will be ava...